How To Deal With Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress Relief From Armstrong Chiropractic Center

At Armstrong Chiropractic Center in Temple, Texas, we provide comprehensive chiropractic care. This includes treating stress without the use of drugs or invasive treatments. As you prepare for the holiday season this year, take advantage of our holistic chiropractic solutions. Learn more about what to expect during your visit.

How Can Holiday Stress Affect Me?

The holidays are a busier time of the year with gift shopping, parties, and gatherings. All of that extra activity gets combined with stresses like money to pay for gifts. If you are traveling or dealing with extended family during the holidays, this adds to your stress level.

Over time, stress leads to a build-up of cortisol, a hormone that leads to weight gain. Stress also posture issues including slouching and can lead to neck and back pain. This is caused when the body physically takes on the stress.

Can Carrying Heavy Bags Hurt My Back?

Yes, you can cause damage to your back by carrying heavy bags during the holidays. Whether you are hauling firewood, shopping bags, or luggage, take caution to use ergonomically safe lifting techniques. Bend with your knees rather than flat over at your hips. To learn more ergonomic tips, contact our chiropractic clinic in Temple, TX.

What Can a Temple Chiropractor Do to Treat Holiday Stress?

At our Temple chiropractor, we treat stress using chiropractic adjustments to realign the musculoskeletal system. Following the Palmer Philosophy, our chiropractor Dr. Stephen Armstrong treats conditions associated with stress in a holistic manner.

Conditions we treat include posture issues, neck pain, lower back pain, and headaches. Note that we treat all of our patients without drugs or surgery. This means you have no downtime after a treatment. Chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, lifestyle advice, and nutritional counseling are the treatments we offer to resolve pain caused by stress.

Call Our Temple Chiropractor Today!

Get started with stress relief for the holiday season by scheduling an appointment with our Temple chiropractor today. Contact Armstrong Chiropractic Center at 254-778-5576 to schedule your chiropractic consultation. Make sure to inquire about any featured specials for our new chiropractic patients in Temple, Texas.


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